07 Feb 2012
Root cause
Carrots are big business for Nottinghamshire farmers as they respond to a mid-winter revival of the campaign to get us eating more of the healthy orange root vegetables.
They make your hair curl, improve your sex life, help you see in the dark and if you prefer science to dodgy folklore they are a fat-free, low-sodium source of fibre and Vitamin A. If carrots are a regular part of your diet your GP and your greengrocer will be delighted. So will Martin Evans.
As well as being the spokesman for British carrot growers Martin is the managing director of Freshgro, the co-operative which, from a processing centre near Bilsthorpe, takes a 6% segment of the UK carrot market and a 90% segment of the market for Chantenays, the small but sweet variety that thrives in the sandy ‘Orange Rectangle’ of central Nottinghamshire.
Read more by downloading the full Nottingham Today Feature on Chantenay carrots.a